
Java oddities

Java oddities

A selection of fun or interesting Java oddities.
Published 27 Jun 2024 - 4 min read
Getting started with Spring tests

Getting started with Spring tests

Improve Spring Boot integration tests coverage, reliability and performances using opinionated practices and tips.
Published 9 Apr 2024 - 5 min read
Spring Test JUnit Spring Boot
Switching between H2 and Testcontainers in Spring tests

Switching between H2 and Testcontainers in Spring tests

Why choose between H2 and Testcontainers for the database of your Spring Boot tests when you can have both?
Published 10 Mar 2024 - 3 min read
H2 Testcontainers Spring Test
Spring Boot access log filter

Spring Boot access log filter

Improve the Spring Boot logging of web requests with a simple but useful custom access log filter.
Published 15 Jan 2024 - 4 min read
Log Spring Web Spring Security
Security annotations in Spring tests

Security annotations in Spring tests

Simplify user authentication in Spring tests with standard security annotations or even your own.
Published 8 Dec 2023 - 5 min read
Spring Test Spring Security Spring Boot
Improve your Envers revision info table

Improve your Envers revision info table

Improve your Hibernate Envers revision info table with custom attributes, better date and increased performance.
Published 31 Aug 2023 - 4 min read
Envers Hibernate Spring Boot
Hibernate logging and monitoring guide

Hibernate logging and monitoring guide

Optimize and troubleshoot your persistence layer with Hibernate logs and metrics.
Published 11 Jan 2023 - 6 min read
Hibernate JPA Spring Boot
Spring Data MongoDB reactive performance tip

Spring Data MongoDB reactive performance tip

Improve the insert performance of Spring Data MongoDB reactive repositories with a simple tip.
Published 9 Oct 2022 - 4 min read
Spring Data MongoDB Reactor

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